Sunday, 24 June 2007


yay! mama panders to my car obsession
by borrowing cars for me from the toy library

case in point being this
step 2 snuggle bug car

which i obsessively clambered in and out of
for hours on end yesterday

thank heavens for toy libraries
cause it's rainy days ahoy now
and i can't quite go out

and play in the playgrounds as much

i seem to have an unorthdox manner
of getting in and out of the car

do i look like a competitive driver or what?!

Thursday, 21 June 2007

happy birthday aunti letti

dear aunti letti
since you are always asking for my videos
here is one especially for you
i reckon
it captures my motoring obsession perfectly
and you can also see me trying to use the remote control
to change channels on the telly.

although i can't quite verbalise my wishes
for a very happy birthday to you
know that what i am actually saying is
that i hope you have a lovely celebration
are thoroughly spoilt
and have a wonderful day
filled with awesome surprises

jamesy, mama and papa

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

glass is class

one of the things
i utterly love doing
is nicking off with
maybe it's because
i see mama and papa
wearing them
and i think
i should have them too!

i am no fool

when it comes
to lense-less
which are
old or discards.
i am discerning...

i much prefer
the real thing

Friday, 15 June 2007

le petit picasso

in a valiant effort
to head off my future

mama invested in this
doodle pro

so that any
artistic ability

and creativity
is allowed to
flourish unimpeeded.

after a few false starts
this was my first masterpiece...

Thursday, 14 June 2007

the many faces of concentration

here i am doing my utmost
to work out the shape-sorter puzzle
aunty mel gave me even before i was born...

future rockstar

i am

a personality
of my own
it seems
to be
full of
here i am
and saying
hang loose buddy
all at the

same time...

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

naming rights

this is one of
my favourite books
by DK called
Baby and Toddler's
Big Book of Everything
and is filled with
pictures and pictures...
i am now quite able to
identify lots of objects
from cars, trucks,
planes, helicopters
to animals, food,
flowers, toys and clothing
mama is pretty impressed
with my pointing prowress
and is dreading the time
when i actually
say the words aloud...

she suspects
silence will truly be golden
from then on...

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

4x4 months

i am 16 months old today
and so far have been
growing and developing
at an exponential rate
my current obsessions
include (but are not limited to)
(who would have thought?!)
combing hair
(mama fears i am morphing into a Grease T-Birdy!!!)
brushing teeth
wearing mama's spectacles
wraping ribbons, scarves
and teatowels around my neck
(this one's horrified papa...)
cooing at animals
playing peek-a-boo
playing chasey
playing on slides and swings
eating cheerios
eating roast chicken
eating fruit
running around freely
clambering atop the folks
climbing up and down stairs
actually, make that
climbing onto
playing giddyup horsey
shrieking like a banshee
testing my boundaries
and of late
pointing at things excitedly
expecting the folks to name them...

Monday, 11 June 2007

feeling sheepish

mama and papa took me down to nannup last holiday long weekend
we stayed in a cottage on a sheep farm
and i had a ball alternately cooing at the animals
and getting nervous when they approached me
i saw a wild pig, sheep, turkeys, dogs, chooks, emus, kangaroos and birds
i ate sheep's cheese and stomped on roo poo
i had a lovely time running about in the wet grass
to you adults the grass may be ankle deep
but for me it was akin to wading in a waist high jungle
and so i had wet trousers despite my trusty ol' wellies...

Friday, 8 June 2007

what a scream

of late, i have been having
more than the usual
voice modulatory malfunctions.
my pitch is incredibly high
so my shrieks just about
shatter eardrums
so don't bother
ringing mama and papa
as they can't
hear anything anymore...
what is it with all this screaming?
good grief
mama needs some serious
workable parenting advice. pronto.