Thursday, 27 July 2006

attractive magnet

some lady in a café spoke to me the other day!
out of the blue
she asked me for a smile...

(that's probably why dad loves taking me out
he thinks i am a chick magnet)

groovy grandma

grandma sheila is visiting from tassie
she is so cool!
she taught me how to sit forward
and grab me tootsies.
i love my gran!

(so wish she lived around here)

green (a)muck

mum tried a fast one on me today
i was expecting yummy old carrot
instead i got fed mushy peas!!!!
it's awfully distasteful!!!
hmph... not impressed
am not a pommie.

(bring on the chocolate, i say!)

flesh flash

i'm too sexy for my bath
too sexy for my bath
so sexy, it hurts (in the basin, literally)

this was taken when i was about 3 months old
having a bath in a cottage
whilst on a tree-planting weekend
down south in nannup

(with apologies to right said fred)

Wednesday, 26 July 2006

wise words

mum read this in the tresillian guide's book
'how to stay sane in your baby's first year'
and she reckons it speaks to her:

"... one never quite 'arrives' as a parent,
in an absolute sense.
It is one of life's great explorations,
with pots of gold dotted along a path
for which the map is sometimes... problematic."

(in Geraldine Doogue's foreword)

sshhh... secret

well, guess what?!!
after almost 5 and a half months
i heard mum whispering to me
(she thought i was fast asleep)
she is finally, truly, utterly
falling in love with me...

(and about time too!)

black mark

had a nightmare morning today
kept waking at 1, 2, 3 and 4am
also had a cranky day today.
dunno what's wrong with me.
irritable, impatient, screamy, unhinged...
apparently, i will be the cause of divorce if keep going like this.
what is it?
am i teething?
am i lactose-intolerant?
am i over-tired?
is it the full-moon?
what's the matter?
why the sad face?
they'd be millionaires if they could come up with an answer just like that.
and when will anyone heed my signals?
i hate tummy time !!!!!

(please, please let me have a better day tomorrow!)

Tuesday, 25 July 2006

blue waters

i had my first taste of the beach on sunday last week
glorious blue skies
soft, wet sand
seagulls sound
gentle waves
cool, clear blue water
lapping at my tiny feet
i curl my toes
unsure of all these new sensations...

(papa dreams of surf lifesaving with me in summer)

orange day

had my first taste of carrot today
hmmm.... not too sure about the taste
but sure fills a hole in the tummy!
at this stage, i still prefer my fingers
but i'll get back to you
when they finally let me try chocolate...

(p.s. aker, eat your heart out! me edible-goatee rules!)

Monday, 24 July 2006

blue jeans

mum put my blue jeans on
she put my cool blue jeans on

(with apologies to that levis ad)