Saturday, 27 March 2010

got ourselves a crying, talking, sleeping (not), walking, living doll

to give you an idea of what life in a day of an almost one year old is like
this is pretty much it -
from the walking and crawling around
to the cooing, babbling (sometimes shrieking) vocalisation/noise
accompanied by excited flapping of arms
followed by the delightful abandon of mess-making

that's what Callum's life is all about presently
repeat ad nauseum until his head hits the pillow
and the whirlwind doesn't even cease then
because he still wakes up every 3-4 hourly through the night for feeds
think of poor poor mummy who is still surviving
a record of almost 365 days with less than 4 hour stretches of sleep...
the things we do for love!

Callum walking and babbling from Eileen Chan on Vimeo.


Blogger Steph said...

Happy Birthday darling Callum.
Sending you all our love from France and wishing you God's abundent blessings of love and peace, lots of laughter and good cheer as you explore your universe and entertain everyone in your presence. May you grow up knowing just how mucb you are loved and cherished.

3:30 pm  
Anonymous Hannah said...

Wow! I can't believe how much he has grown.

Thanks for sharing, Eileen. It would be great to catch up with you and your little men sometime soon.

H :)

8:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, those 4 hourly feed...I am with ya! I am with you just from the other side of the river at 1am, 5am...and now that the early morning is getting cooler.

9:50 pm  

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