keep calm and carry on
collecting the laundry
and playing with pegs
mama had the most
incredible conniption going on
when she spotted
this giant wood moth
hanging onto my grobag
basically after her doubletake
and massive freak-out
she let it be known
in no uncertain terms that
if i wanted to just stand there
and gape in awe at the
(hungry? nesting?
flappable mammoth
and it decided to take a peek inside my mouth
she would most certainly not be kindly extracting it
with her hand from the back of my throat
no-(*insert your choice of adjective here*)-way
not even if my life depended on it...
so yes as would have gathered by now
it was a rather unpleasant experience for her
My gosh I think I would have fainted if I saw that ! What in the world is that !!!! It's freaking scary stuff, hope it only exists downunder !!!
Glad u guys r back and I hope well rested and on the mend now. Missed yr blog updates n emails.
Not long now till Singapore !!!!
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