Monday, 12 November 2007

638.75 days of my life

i turned 21 months old today
and so far i am becoming
quite the chatty
if not cheeky child
the usual my-way
or the highway
issues abound

as well, my obsession
with all things vehicular
as evidenced by
my penchant for the following programs
little red tractor
top gear

as for hobbies
i have recently discovered the zen of digging
- sand at the beach and playgrounds is perfect -

and so have begun my expedition route to china
further physical development
has taken the form of
almighty and unceasing jumping up and down
on the floor, off the kerb, off retaining walls, on the bed or sofa, you name it...
i guess i am just trying to show the folks that i:
a. have the beginnings of a trampoliner, and
b. would make a pretty respectable kangaroo
which is all good in the end
because it helps burn off
my vast amounts of energy and enthusiasm...


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