Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... transformation me hearties!
mummy finally worked out
how to use her new camera
(she managed to fall on the other one
and broke it much to her chagrin)
she also eventually found the cable
to download photos
so we are finally able
to update our posts.
Matthew's pirate birthday party
so we had a dress up situation happening
and mummy being mummy
refused to buy into commercialised costumes
racked her brains to work out how to turn me into a
right ol' pirate of the land seas.
for a stripey tee
and a dash to Spotlight
for raw materials
she ended up destroying her
own black singlet
with scissors
using felt and glue
to craft a
skull and crossbones
coupled with the magic of
some face paint
and thanks to daddy's nifty
fold and tie work with
red polka-dotted fabric
voila... bearded captain pirate
arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... you like?
Aye! a right sight you are, mate! Ye'll be fittin' right in with the scalliest of em wags, Arrrrr. Us landlubbers are shiverin' in our boots at the mere sight o' ye.
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